Don’t Lose Money to Weight Loss Scams

Summer has finally arrived, but the beginning of beach season inevitably brings weight loss scams with it. Criminals take advantage of the season to offer bogus solutions for losing weight or getting in shape.
How It Works•
A web search on weight loss pulls up legitimate-looking websites.•These sites may contain articles claiming celebrities have achieved amazing results from their weight loss program.•Other times, you’ll see a social media post promoting new ways to lose weight.
What You Should Know•
Diet and weight loss programs often encourage you to sign up for a free trial—which, if you read the tiny print, opts you in to getting charged for regular orders or additional products.•Weight loss products touted as “natural” or “herbal” don’t necessarily mean safe or wholesome. Some herbal ingredients are even toxic in certain doses.•Engage your inner skeptic. Ask yourself if the promised outcomes seem to match up with what the program offers.
What You Should Do•

Seek advice from a trustworthy source, such as your doctor or a dietitian, before you commit to a weight loss regimen.•Be skeptical about a product or program promising you’ll lose a specific amount of weight per day, week or month, or of ads that tout weight loss products that are a “miracle,” “revolutionary” or a “scientific breakthrough.”•If a product claims to be backed by scientific studies, look up those studies to independently verify that they exist and are credible.•Check out a weight loss company’s reputation by searching with the Better Business Bureau.
reprinted from AARP Fraud Watch Network